My parents got me a dollhouse when I was around 9 years old. I wish I could say I decorated it and played with it for hours on end but the truth is I was never that into it and the only decorations it had were some wallpaper samples on a few walls and one bedroom of Victorian furnishings that came with it.
Recently, I found this old dollhouse in my parents’ basement and decided to take it on as a project. I joked to Paul that I was in the mood to renovate a house so why not start small! As we embark on full-scale renovations of our new house (more details to come) I thought I’d share the after photos of the dollhouse. Unfortunately, since one of my cameras was stolen and my external hard drive broke (don’t ask) I no longer have the before images. Click on the pics above to see larger images.
While Brook is still too young to play with the dollhouse, she loves to look at it and name the things she sees. Her favorite thing is the rocking horse probably because she has one in her own room. You’ll notice the dolls are the I Am Elemental action figures from this blog post here. I think they look quite at home!

Some other highlights from the remodel:
- Miniature books I bought from Jo-Ann Fabrics that I covered with some of my favorite children’s books including Little Women, A Wrinkle in Time, The Phantom Tollbooth, Matilda, and To Kill a Mockingbird. You’ll see the books all around the house.
- Decorations from board games: Settlers of Catan, Pandemic, Ticket to Ride, Scrabble, Bananagrams, Lotería, and jacks.
- Most wallpaper is scrapbook paper from Michaels and most fabric I either had from previous projects or I also bought bandanas from Michaels for $1 each.
- I made the rugs from hand stitching plastic canvas with yarn – took forever but I love the rugs.
- Framed family photos I created by finding digital images of frames, placing family photos into them in Photoshop, printing them at home on our photo printer, and then laminating. I also recreated my favorite calendar, Massimo Vignelli’s Stendig calendar, printed it, laminated it and mounted in the living room.
- I found a few other favorite artworks and paintings online and printed them, as well. You’ll see an image from Cindy Sherman’s Untitled series, a painting from an artist I saw in Quito, one of the portraits from Ellen Heck’s Forty Fridas, a Nikki McClure print, and the same hallway image by Nathan Rohlander that is featured on Modern Family (not pictured). Other images I cut out of magazines and design annuals.
- I made the mobile in the nursery from buttons and I spelled Brooklyn’s name out with alphabet bracelet beads on the wall. I also sewed the beanbag chairs using fabric scraps and a pattern for hacky sacks.
- The two miniature reproduction designer chairs I splurged buying them on eBay: the Eames lounge chair with ottoman as well as the Eames RAR rocking chair. I also got the kitchen set on eBay. The rest of the furniture I either had from the original set (basinet, bed, lamp, side table) or found the rest of the furniture for free.
Now that we’re starting to renovate a full-scale house I’ll be updating the blog with progress. I hope it’s as fun as the dollhouse!