How appropriate to get back into the swing of things on the blog than with a video webinar I participated in on the topic of Work/Life Balance. In particular, this conversation centered around the particular challenges for social entrepreneurs but I think our discussion applies to anyone who is looking to find equilibrium with their career and personal life.
The International Youth Foundation and YouthActionNet hosts these webinars – check out their YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/YouthActionNet.
More on this soon…but it’s been an absolute crazy time for me both working freelance and taking care of our now 14-month old (!) daughter. Often, it feels like having more than 2 full-time jobs. Hence, the break from posting on this blog.
But, now I’m back. Some of my freelance projects are coming to their conclusions and I’ve decided to scale back on saying yes to more clients. It’s a nice position to be in – being able to choose your work – and right now with everything going on it’s the best way for me to stay balanced.