We had a wonderful time making ceviche with our host mom the other day as you can see from this post. A bunch of people have asked me for the recipe so here it is. As is often the case with family recipes the measurements are not exact.
Shrimp Ceviche Ecua Style
About 4 Cups Peeled Whole Shrimp (can be frozen or fresh)
2 Large Tomatoes
1 Medium Red Onion
Orange Juice (about 2 oranges worth)
Lime Juice (depends on your limes – but you’ll need a bunch)
Salt to taste
Wash and strain shrimp before placing in a pan with an inch of already boiling water. Mix the shrimp so that the steam flash cooks the shrimp evenly just until they turn pink (not more than 5 minutes). Be careful not to overcook as the shrimp will get rubbery. Strain and set aside in a large bowl.
Chop the red onion into slivers and add to the bowl of shrimp. Juice the oranges and limes directly into the bowl. Chop the cilantro and add to the mixture, tossing lightly. Add ketchup and salt to taste – about a Tablespoon of each.
Mix thoroughly and serve with rice (we prefer brown rice but the traditional Ecua way is white rice) and with patacones (savory fried plantains) or with plantain chips you can find at international stores or in the international aisle of many supermarkets.