Make these bracelets by cutting magazine paper strips and gluing them to cardboard tubes. Seal the paper by using varnish or clear nail polish. This example shows one step further of wrapping colorful string around the outside.Paul created this earring in the shape of a feather using material from the inner tubes of tires. Tires are often burned here in Ecuador, which is bad for the environment and bad for people, making this a very important material to re-purpose. You can also use this rubber to make wallets or bags.Use magazine or newspaper folded into strips to create vases, bowls, trivets, or even jewelry. This image shows the bottom of a vase made from magazine strips. Use varnish to seal the paper and add a plastic bottle inside of the vase to hold the water.Noralma is teaching a group of participants how to create beads from magazine paper. Mujeres Cambia members also presented on the business behind Mujeres Cambia.This project isn’t exactly recycled (I suppose you could find a natural fiber or re-use old string) but it makes for a nice photo. Place school glue and string (or find a material to re-use) around a balloon and wait for it to dry completely to create a bowl or fixture for around a light.