Monday was my birthday and here’s what happened…

I started off the day at a sales event for Mujeres Cambia at Hostal Aqui, a gringo hangout in Salinas. The owner, Will, is nice enough to host Mujeres Cambia sales events every now and then and we’ve enjoyed a very warm welcome by the regulars and visitors alike. Towards the end of the event I received a call that we couldn’t meet in the usual place for the Mujeres Cambia meeting that afternoon because of construction. I was told we should head over to our friend’s restaurant instead. So, along with two of the women from the group, I headed over to Biutty’s cabaña.

SURPRISE! The whole group yelled and jumped out at me as I walked in the door. I was given a Barbie birthday hat, ribbon for my hair, and a seat at the head of the table right in front of this lovely cake.

Noralma made me the cake (which I was forced to bite and then get my face smashed into) and each woman stood up and told me what it has meant to her to be a part of Mujeres Cambia and how much she appreciates the work that Paul and I do. Needless to say there were tears in my eyes!

Paul made me this adorable camera and inside was a beautiful note that also made me tear up. After some bocaditos it was time to dance!

Even Max was there and several of the women brought their children, too. They especially enjoyed the Barbie piñata.

After the party Paul and I drove to a remote lodge not far from our town and on the way my parents called to wish me a Happy Birthday. We took full advantage of our one full day at the lodge where we relaxed in the hot tub overlooking the beach, practiced yoga, and watched the election coverage in the evening. All in all it was a super special birthday and I felt very loved all around. Can’t beat that! Thanks to everyone who made it a day I will never forget.