Flavorwire is a great resource for inspiration, focusing on design, culture, and entertainment. I have re-posted interesting items I receive in my inbox through Flavorpill before. Here’s another one featured in the latest Flavorpill email for the design enthusiasts out there: Emma Cook’s ABC flashcards. These cards feature such gems as, “M is for Moleskine” and “A is for Apple” (as in gorgeous aluminum Apple desktop computer).
I was curious to look at the letters that spell my name to see just how Hipster it would look and as you can see above, I don’t think you can get more Hipster than black rimmed glasses, insider design references, and a certain little black book. I once described myself as somewhere between Hippie and Hipster. Does the fact that not only do I have several Moleskines, an Apple computer and Warby Parker Specs but I also convert my images to RGB in Photoshop and use the Interwebs every day tip the scales more towards Hipster or does the fact that I am writing this as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ecuador trump all the rest?
See what your name looks like by visiting Emma Cook’s Behance page.