We’re back after a week in Quito! As amazing as it was, we’re also glad to be home. Paul and I had the pleasure of hosting two of the women from Mujeres Cambia at the past week’s convening of Peace Corps volunteers from our training class. It was the first time either of them had really traveled outside of their area of the country and I couldn’t be more proud of them and what they accomplished this week.
The best part about the entire week for me was seeing our two Mujeres Cambia representatives grow and develop into confident, self-assured presenters as they led a bead-making workshop and answered questions about the business behind Mujeres Cambia in front of a large group of Peace Corps Volunteers and their counterparts. Further, we had an important meeting in Quito with a potential buyer and the women were rock stars representing themselves and their products.
Some highlights from our week in Quito:
- Seeing other PCVs and hearing about their amazing projects
- Catching up with Peace Corps staff
- Staying with our host family in Tumbaco
- Eating comfort food at restaurants
- Enjoying hot(ish) showers
- Selling over $1,000 of Mujeres Cambia merchandise
- The interview with El Universo (the country’s largest paper) about Mujeres Cambia
- Going to the movies (twice)
- Meeting up with Belén my host sister from when I was 16!
Stay tuned for photos and more news to come.