Paul and I have been working on the Mujeres Cambia website. It’s not completely ready yet but will be soon. Above are new images of necklaces that will be featured on the site.
The Group Fund idea that we helped to start has been extremely successful. 20% of each sale goes towards a group fund that the women control through a majority vote. Members decide what to spend the money on and it is completely funded by money that the women make themselves so it’s sustainable.
The first time we decided to have oversized postcards in English printed on recycled card stock for our U.S.-based clients. The second vote we decided to buy group bead-making supplies. The third vote we decided to have brochures printed in Spanish for in-country clients in addition to buying a Domain Name for Mujeres Cambia. So, we’re working on the website now and it’s going great. The women are super excited about seeing themselves and their products on the World Wide Web.
Currently, we have about $100 in the Group Fund but we haven’t yet voted on how to spend it! The women are looking at buying a paper cutter ($40), a sewing machine ($100), or saving it. We’ll keep you posted.