The Palmar Index: Week I

# of days in Palmar7
# of days as official Peace Corps Volunteers8
# of times we have gone swimming so far4
# of dogs that bark at night0
# of new host siblings2
# of rooms in our apartment including the bathroom4
Duration, in hours, of the bus ride from Quito to Guayaquil8
Arrival time in Guayaquil5:00 a.m.
Duration, in hours, of car ride from Guayaquil2
Approximate distance, in feet, from our bedroom to the ocean50
Percentage of the view from our bedroom window that includes ocean100
Time, in minutes, of walk from our house to our counterpart organization10
Percentage of commuting time spent walking on the beach95
Cost of a bus to La Libertad75¢
# of different paint colors used to paint our apartment5
# of meters of fabric bought to make curtains, pillows, and a tablecloth7
Percentage of meals that include seafood75
Percentage of meals that include rice50
# of stores visited to find a used refrigerator4
# of stores that sold used fridges for less than the cost of a new one0
# of electronics projects proposed by Paul4
# of electronics projects that Paul has completed thus far2
# of sewing projects proposed by Mari3
# of sewing projects that Mari has completed thus far.5