It’s no secret that I love infographics. Not all infographics are created equal, unfortunately, but if you know where to look you can find some gems.
I’m thinking of creating some infographics about our time here in Ecuador inspired by the work of Daytum co-founder Nicholas Felton who is best known for chronically his life through Annual Reports (see my 1 Year Anniversary gift to Paul here).
I love infographics because at their best, not only are they are a visually engaging way to communicate data, infographics represent a mix between right-brain and left-brain skills. If you haven’t read Daniel Pink’s, A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, you should. Really. Right away. I’ve been talking about the importance of fostering both right- and left-brain skills for years but Pink’s book makes the argument from the perspective of a left-brain person, which is especially valuable.
As our world turns more towards a synthesis of right- and left-brain communication, it is imperative that we prepare young minds in both of these approaches. At Starting Artists, I introduced my students to infographics in order for them to appreciate this and create. Below, enjoy a few of my recent favorite infographics.