The Tumbaco Index

# of days in Ecuador9
# of nights staying with host family7
# of dogs that live in the host family compound3
# of dogs that we can hear howling at night1
# of dogs that swarmed our group in Puembo town square7
Approximate % of meals we eat with a side of rice90
Approximate % of meals served with at least once starch100
Approximate % of meals served with two starches60
Average # of times per day we say, “buenos días”8
Average # of times per day we say, “buenas tardes”6
Average # of times per day we say, “buenas noches”2
Difference in hours of our Brooklyn & Ecuador bedtimes-2.5
Difference in minutes of Paul’s commute+20
Difference in minutes of Mari’s commute+30
# of Safety/Security Workshops thus far3
# of Health Workshops thus far3
# of shots Mari has had during Training4
# of shots Paul has had during Training3
Approximate # of photos Mari has taken500
Approximate % of photos that Mari is in1
Days until Paul & Mari know their Site Assignment35
% of day that Paul & Mari spend speaking Spanish75