I think I’ve shared this image before when I was writing about Julia who was like a grandmother to me. This is me in Colombia before I met my adoptive family.

This photo was taken on the day I met my adoptive parents. While we can’t find the dress or the doll anymore, I still have the shoes! I am standing in between Ximena the Founder/Director of my orphanage and Claudia who I think was my foster mom.

I want this sweater in adult size. No, really. I should get someone on Etsy to recreate it for me. I’m in Colombia in this photo.

I was not happy. Why not? I have no idea…maybe it was because my tights were too big or I didn’t want a photo taken but it couldn’t possibly be because I didn’t like the incredible Alice in Wonderland dress.

This is one of my faves because of the pose (love the pointed toes) but also because I think it embodies a youthful freedom.