Paul is amazing – he drove 12 hours on Saturday so we could make it to Boston in time to see my family for Mother’s Day brunch Sunday. We decided not to camp out Saturday night in order to break up the rest of the drive but to push on and make it to Boston, which we did after midnight. That way, we could get a good night’s sleep at my brother’s house.
We sang songs most of the way to keep our spirits up and to stay awake. If you were driving on 29 or 95 or 84 or 91 or 90 on Saturday and you saw a green VW Camper Van with two crazy kids in the front singing their hearts out – that was us!
More details on the rest of the renovations coming soon. We finished in time to leave southern Virginia on Friday and camp out that night but that meant nearly 12 hour work days for the past few weeks and tons of help from Steve and Susie. We couldn’t have done it without them and their hospitality and humor as well as their combined carpentry, electrical, and sewing skills. Thanks again!
Now, we’re in Boston and we have some time to relax and enjoy the new and improved Charlie. Plus, Charlie and his namesake will finally get to meet in person! We will share more pictures and videos and updates soon.