It’s officially our last week living in New York and in true New York fashion our internet has stopped working at home (hence the lack of posts this weekend). Thanks Time Warner Cable! If I made a list of things I WON’T miss about NYC, Time Warner’s monopoly of the City’s cable and internet service would be on that list. Luckily we have a solution. Leave it to Paul’s Google Phone to save the day so that we can now tether the internet for our computers. I love technology.
Anyway, this is supposed to be a post about wonderful things in NYC, specifically the things that have been on our “To Do” list for years. We’ve been able to cross off some of the items (as you can see) but alas if it doesn’t happen by Saturday of this week, we’ll have to attempt to cross off more items when we come back to visit.
Paul has done
Mari has done
Mari & Paul have both done
Neither Mari nor Paul has done (yet!)
The List
See Shakespeare in the Park
Visit the Statue of Liberty
Take the Staten Island Ferry
Go to the Cloisters
Do the 7 Train Food Crawl in Queens
Go to a Yankees Game
See a Broadway Show
Ride the Roosevelt Island Tram
Attend an Improv Class
Take Cooking/Baking Classes
Visit the Top of the Rock Observation Deck
Participate in an Improv Everywhere Stunt
Play a Game of Tag on Wall Street
Enter a Broadway Show Ticket Lottery (and win!)
Take Salsa Dance Lessons
Take Music Lessons
Go Apple Picking
Attend the Rocky Horror Picture Show
See a Concert at Carnegie Hall
Take the Water Taxi
Go Swing Dancing at a Club
Swim in the East River
Watch the 4th of July Fireworks
Paint an Outdoor Mural
Attend Restaurant Week
Visit all 5 Boroughs
Attend a Protest March
See the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center
Have Tea at the Ritz
Visit the Fulton Fish Market
Go Contra Dancing
Make it onto a Billboard in Times Square
Attend Trapeze School
Go Rock Climbing
Go Ice Skating
Mentor a Student with NFTE
See the Cherry Blossoms at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
Do the Polar Bear Plunge
Live in a Brownstone
Go to the Metropolitan Opera
See an Outdoor Movie
Tour the Empire State Building
Attend a Taping of This American Life
Belong to the Park Slope Food Co-op
Earn an Advanced Degree in the City
Go Boating in Central Park
Take a Double Decker Bus Tour
Have a Birthday at a Karaoke Bar
Go to Midsummer Night’s Swing at Lincoln Center
Attend a Taping of Selected Shorts at Symphony Space
Visit the Art Under the Bridge Festival
Appear on NY1
Ride the Cyclone at Coney Island
See the Circus Elephants on Parade
Attend the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island
Attend a Taping of a Television Show
Be a Game Show Contestant
Go Kayaking on the East River
Go to the Brooklyn Flea Market Indoors & Out
Go to a Comedy Club
Bike Around NYC
Walk Over the Brooklyn Bridge
Play Soccer in a Charity League
Drink Frozen Hot Chocolates at Serendipity 3
Have Drinks at Chumley’s
Ride a Train from the First to the Last Stop
Attend a Taping of RadioLab
Go to the Russian Baths
Go to the Ballet
Take a Cruise from Brooklyn
Spend Thanksgiving in NYC
Fall in Love